Humanity has spent millennia battling the most insidious of foes...the virus and bacteria. Sanitation technologies have assisted in this battle, but our greatest asset? Science. We've taken many of the greatest people-killers, broken them down and put them to work for us in the form of vaccines. The proving ground in which our immune systems learn to defend us against Malaria, Polio, Measles, Tuberculosis and more.
But some eschew these pinnacles of technology in the modern war against micro-organisms, relying instead on homemade cures, prayers, and raw, misguided hope.
These are the stories of the children who have to live with the consequences...or die horribly
Tinctures and Tonics Teas and Titration Medicine without science Equals a sickly weak nation Vaccines are scary but death so much worse Knowlege is helpful misninformation a curse